
Line drawing of salesman

My name is Mike McGuinness.   I am the Chief Customer Officer at Veracode, a Boston based company that is the global leader in Application Security. A great company with a great mission! My role encompasses engagement with the customer from initial sales (Land) through adoption, ongoing support, expansion and renewal.

I have significant experience leading sales and services at security and software development focused companies like: Veracode, SmartBear, Bromium and Sophos where I helped grow sales from $210m to $410m in four years as SVP, WW Sales and Field Operations. Earlier in my career I was the first territory manager hired by the legendary Dick Harrison at Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC). Together with a great team, we grew the company from pre-revenue to over $800m across eleven years. From 1994 to 1997 I was SVP of Global Sales for >$500m of that growth.

View Mike McGuinness's profile on LinkedIn

Credit for the title: “Two Guys Meet…” goes to one of my first managers, Yvonne Dahl. Thanks Yvonne, wherever you are.

Image by Vince Vassallo via http://vincevassallo.blogspot.ca/ Great job Vince!SOPHOS-61365

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